Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Microsoft Excel Application missing from DCOMCNFG

Trying to work with Excel Interop on a 64-bit version of Windows with a 32-bit version of Microsoft Office installed? If so you may find that you cannot set permissions on the Microsoft Excel Application node in DCOMCNFG because it is missing!

Thanks to tibb I now know that this node can be accessed using the following method...

  1. Start
  2. Run
  3. mmc -32
  4. File
  5. Add Remove Snap-in
  6. Component Services
  7. Add
  8. OK
  9. Console Root
  10. Component Services
  11. Computers
  12. My Computer
  13. DCOM Config
  14. Microsoft Excel Application

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Dead Horse Morris

Sicknote from Dead Horse Morris
If you don't already know I have joined a Morris Dancing side called Dead Horse Morris. They are based in Whitstable in Kent, UK and perform in Kent and the rest of the South East throughout the summer.

If you want to know what they are up to please visit their website. I've also added a twitter feed to the blog and I'm experimenting with a Google Calendar that will display their upcoming events with dates, times and hopefully a link to a map that will show you where to go.

The only event I've added to the calendar so far is Dawn Rising on 1st May 2012, so you may have to click the 'Look for more' link a few times to see it.