Thursday, 28 May 2009

Simulating the Earth Tones Palette in SQL Reporting Services

For a task at work I had to create a table in an SQL Server Reporting Services report that simulated the colours used in the Earth Tones colour palette. I tried to find some documentation that would tell me, and then tried to find out programmatically, finally after a bit of number crunching and research I worked it out manually.

So you don't have to - here is a handy SQL query that returns the colours in order
SELECT 1 As [Index], 'DarkOrange' AS Colour UNION
SELECT 2, 'DarkGoldenRod' UNION
SELECT 3, '#C04000' UNION -- Mahogany
SELECT 4, 'OliveDrab' UNION
SELECT 6, '#C0C000' UNION -- DarkYellow
SELECT 7, 'ForestGreen' UNION
SELECT 8, 'Chocolate' UNION
SELECT 10, 'LightSeaGreen' UNION
SELECT 11, 'SandyBrown' UNION
SELECT 12, '#00C000' UNION -- Dark Green
SELECT 13, 'DarkSeaGreen' UNION
SELECT 14, 'FireBrick' UNION
SELECT 15, 'SaddleBrown' UNION
SELECT 16, '#C04000' -- DarkRed

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